Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Most of you know like my husband, I'm an International Cat Judge. This morning we both were invited to judge at the Australian Cat Federation's National Show in June 2011. This is a great honour and we're very happy.
For those non cat people this is the biggest national show of the year for ACF. It is held in a different State each year. The last time I judged a National it was with CFA USA President Pam DelaBar.
I'll be off line from 17 May I'm having my knee replaced . . . wish me luck.


  1. Congratulations on both of you being pick to judge CFA, hope you have a great time.

    Sending you ((((hugs)))) for your knee replacement.


  2. Thanks Sandie. We're looking forward to the ACF National in 2011.
    Worried about the knee. More worried about not writing for a week or so.
